Gemini Season Workshop

May 20th - June 20th

Theme: Mercury, Communication, Unity


Gemini Season Workshop, Guidebook, Meditation & Rituals

Welcome to Gemini Season. The start to another Lunar cycle, an opportunity from the Cosmos to set intentions and refocus our energy towards the gifts that Gemini brings. During Gemini Season, we focus on the union of Aries (Mars/masculine) and Taurus (Venus/feminine). The glyph of Gemini, represents the twins, and this masculine and feminine energy. The two. The duality that makes up the whole. It is during this season that Mercury, Geminis’ planetary ruler, teaches us that we have the invocative power of our voice to speak into existence. What you think, you then speak and can manifest into reality. As above (our mind and intention), so Below (materialize into matter/reality). That which is above, is below and Gemini is the connector, the two pillars (♊) of information exchange, from the heavenly realm to our material realm. Our collective focus for Gemini Season is to communicate with intention, in order to bring about harmony, union and manifestation. I am a direct channel to universal consciousness. If I can think it, I can speak it into existence.

  • How can I shed any identities that no longer resonate with my spirit?

  • Where is the imbalance in your thoughts?

  • Have you expressed what you need to say? To others, your partner, and even to yourself?

  • Do you have the information available to negotiate and make honest choices?

The Gemini Season workshop & guidebook are for all Zodiac signs (everyone) - and are a reference for the entire month. Along with the guidebook, Nomad members are given tools to develop their intuition - this month we will be exploring Telepathic Communication & Automatic Writing.

or, gain access with a Day Pass.


Gemini SEASON, I speak into Existence


Observations, Lessons and Rituals for Gemini Season, Gemini New Moon, Sagittarius Full Moon, Venus Retrograde
+ Ritual & Guided Meditation for Telepathic Communication with another

During Gemini Season we will be exploring the polarity between The Twins, Gemini and The Archer, Sagittarius. Both Gemini and Sagittarius represent ways of taking in information and understanding the world. The Gemini/Sagittarius polarity is the axis of learning, collecting and assimilating information. Both seek the same thing: the truth.

This workshop includes:

  • A guidebook, observation and foundation to align yourself with the energies and learnings of Mercury & Gemini Season.

  • Altar suggestion for Gemini Season & Mercury.

  • Telepathic Communication Guided Meditation & Ritual.

  • Supportive Foundations inside the Shala to further understand planetary energies, planetary days of the week, and Lunas’ Journey through the 12 houses. Access to previous workshops.

This workshop will guide you in exploring questions such as:

  • How can I shed any identities that no longer resonate with my spirit?

  • Where is the imbalance in your thoughts?

  • Have you expressed what you need to say? To others, your partner, and even to yourself?

  • Do you have the information available to negotiate and make honest choices?


Please join as a Nomad to access all the videos and lessons that compliment Gemini Season.