Leo Season Workshop

july 22nd - aug 22nd

Theme: Sol, Love is the light of your soul

The world is waiting for your Light. Share with the world all that you are, and the unique Light and expression of self that only you have to offer.


leo Season Workshop, Guidebook, Meditation & Rituals

Welcome to Leo Season. The start to another Lunar cycle, an opportunity from the Cosmos to set intentions and refocus our energy towards the gifts that Leo brings. Leo season is a time when we discover or re-discover, that our Light is Love. Over these last four months, we have learned to integrate (either actively or passively) and embody the four elements: fire, earth, air, and water. During Aries season (fire), we became aware. During Taurus season (earth), we become aware of our physical body. In Gemini season (air) we become aware of our mind. Then finally, in Cancer season, we became aware of our emotional body (water). Now, after integrating all four elements, we learn to embody the 5th sign on the cosmic wheel/the 5th element Spirit (Aether or Quintessence - which literally translates as "the fifth element" in Latin). Now, as we enter Leo season - ruled by the Sun - we are being asked to shine our unique Light (Spirit) outwards. It is by embracing all that Leo has to teach us, we learn that Light (Sol/Spirit) is Love (Heart). Our collective focus for Leo Season, is to share with the world all that you am, and the unique Light and expression of self that only you have to give. The world is waiting for your Light.

  • How can I shed any identities that no longer resonate with my spirit?

  • How can I become the king/queen of my kingdom?

  • How can I be more SEEN?

  • What qualities have I come here to master?

The Leo Season workshop & guidebook are for all Zodiac signs (everyone) - and are a reference for the entire month. Along with the guidebook, Nomad members are given tools to develop their intuition - this month we will be exploring Secret of the Golden Flower Meditation; and how to channel the energy of the sun/Sol.

or, gain access with a Day Pass.


Leo SEASON, Light is Love

Observations, Lessons and Rituals for Leo Season, Leo New Moon, Aquarius Full Moon
+ Ritual & Guided Meditation for Golden Light Meditation

During Leo Season we will be exploring the polarity between Leo and Aquarius. The Leo/Aquarius axis is a time to align your mind(Aquarius) with your heart and spirit(Leo). Both Leo and Aquarius want shine a light onto humanity, and lift it up!

This workshop includes:

  • Exclusive Slack Channel for Nomad members!

  • Horoscopes and intentions for each zodiac sign.

  • A guidebook, observation and foundation to align yourself with the energies and learnings of Sol & Leo Season.

  • Altar suggestion for Leo Season & Sol.

  • Guided Meditation: Secret of the Golden Flower.

  • Supportive Foundations inside the Shala to further understand planetary energies, planetary days of the week, and Lunas’ Journey through the 12 houses. Access to previous 11 workshops.


Please join SatoriShala.com as a Nomad to access all the videos and lessons that compliment Leo Season.