Libra Season Workshop

September 23 - October 22nd

Theme: Venus, RElationships, Self-Love, Reclaiming your Energy and Setting healthy boundaries


Libra Season Workshop, Guidebook, Meditation & Rituals

Welcome to Libra season and the Autumn Equinox! We’ve reached a balancing point between the day and night as we move from Summer into Fall/Light into Dark. As the days become shorter we conserve our energy and resources; a time when we begin to go inward. Libra season asks that we shift our focus to cultivating relationships for internal support and security.

Libra symbolizes relationships and partnerships; which will be our collective focus this season. What we need and want from others, needs to be balanced with what they want and need from us in return. If that balance cannot be struck, it will be time for major changes. This energy is not bad, it helps identify whom and where we are giving and receiving our energy; like the scales of Libra, asking us to weigh the energetic exchange - are we in balance? We get a look at the cosmic balance sheet to see if we are getting / giving what is deserved. This can be very positive when the social mask comes off, and we can witness the truths in our lives. This season gifts us the chance to rearrange what isn’t working, and to get “unstuck” out of any circumstances / relationships that hold us back from doing our very best for ourselves and others.

Libra Season & Aries Full Moon Polarities

During Libra season, we will be exploring the polarity between Libra and Aries. The polarity of the Libra/Aries is of Fire and Air, both in Cardinal modality. Aries and the 1st house represent “self” and Libra and the seventh house represent “other”. Aries-Libra combination is to reclaim the lost self and establish the correct balance between self and the other. Aries was born to disrupt, to assert itself and “prove” it’s worth. Aries is all about coming back into our body, and discovering and negotiating the boundary between “me” and “them.” Balancing (Libra) our needs with another’s is a dance to be approaching with curiosity, non-judgement and kindness. 

What are the benefits?

With this guide, you are better informed on how to integrate the energies of this season. Becoming more empowered and prepared for the lessons for the season. Living more in rhythm and inflow. 

This workshop helps you set and live your intentions for the Libra season, Libra New Moon and Aries Full Moon. Inside you’ll find tools to guide you in planning your strategies, so you can make the best of what the Universe has to offer you this month. Once you have a picture of the challenges and openings to come, you can navigate each moment, and live more in rhythm with the Universal energies that await you. As above, so below.

Libra season asks you to reflect on these questions:

  • How can I shed any identities that no longer resonate with my spirit?

  • How can I more easily speak my truth? Honesty, self-love and self-care will help create trust and harmony in your relationships in the long run. And most of all it will help strengthen your own self-trust.

  • How can I find balance? How can I find balance with the relationships in my life and the relationship I have with myself?

  • How can I cultivate a healthy relationship with myself? To cultivate a healthy relationship with yourself, is a ritual that needs repetition and reinforcement. We fall in and out of love. Our acceptance and relationship with Self is like with any.... It needs nurturing, levity, honesty, balanced, loving communication and support.

  • How do you meet others? Move your awareness beyond our own needs.

The Libra Season workshop & guidebook are for all Zodiac signs (everyone) - and are a reference for the entire month. Along with the handbook, Nomad members are given tools to develop their intuition - this month we will be exploring Lucid Dreaming; and how to channel the energy of Mercury, open up doors for processing and analyzing information that we’ve collected and learned over these past few months.

or, gain access with a Day Pass.


Observations, Lessons and Rituals for Libra Season, Libra New Moon, Aries Moon + Ritual & Guided Meditation for Setting Healthy Boundaries and reclaiming your energy.

This workshop includes:

  • Exclusive Slack Channel for Nomad members!

  • A guidebook, observation and foundation to align yourself with the energies and learnings of Mercury & Virgo Season

  • Altar & ritual suggestion for Libra New Moon & Aries Full Moon

  • Guided Meditation: Setting Boundaries for Aries Full Moon

  • Balance Wheel, to reflect and take inventory of your emotional, spiritual and mental well-being.

  • Horoscopes and intentions for each zodiac sign.

  • Supportive foundations inside the Shala to further understand planetary energies, planetary days of the week, and Lunas’ Journey through the 12 houses.

  • Access to a full year of magick, rituals and spiritual introspection!


Please join as a Nomad to access all the videos and lessons that compliment Virgo Season.