Chaldean order of Planets

Chaldean Astronomy
The Chaldean foretold eclipses of the moon; they divided their lunar month of 29 1/2 days into four weeks of seven days each. They were the first to name our seven days of the weeks, after the seven observable planets. [1]

Babylonian & Chaldean astronomy was the study or recording of celestial objects during early history Mesopotamia. These records can be found on Sumerian clay tablets. [2] The Chaldean astronomers recorded the observable qualities of the planets. Which bodies move slow, and which observable bodies / planets move fast. The moon moves the fastest, Saturn observed as moving the slowest. Granted, there are times when planets like Venus or Mercury, which station, goes retrograde / or direct. They are observed as moving “slower”. However, on average below is how the Chaldean observed and ranked the planets.

Chaldean observed the planets and recorded their movements by constructing observatories ‘ziggurats’ (i.e., ‘mountain peak’). Ziggurats were tall pyramidal towers constructed in stages / floors after the scared numbers: three, five and seven. In later years, the floors / stages were usually, if not always, seven floors high.


The seven stages (stages can also be visualized as floors to a building), represented the seven spheres, in which the seven planets moved.

Each stage was assigned to a planet:

7th Stage = Silver / The Moon
6th Stage = Azure / Mercury
5th Stage = Yellow / Venus
4th Stage = Golden / Sun
3rd Stage = Blood-Red / Mars
2nd Stage = Orange / Jupiter
Basement = Black / Saturn


One of the more famous Ziggurats is the Etemenanki (see photo below); which is rumored to have been the inspiration for the biblical story of the Tower of Babel (and the Tower in the Tarot, Major Arcana).

  • Three [3] = Divine triad

  • Five [5] = Five planets

  • Seven [7] = to the five planets (Hea / Saturn, Bel / Jupiter, Nergal / Mars, Astarta / Venus, Nabu / Mercury) , Sun and Moon.


Etemenanki Ziggurats
One of the most prominent buildings of Babylon (today it is ruins) was the ziggurat Etemenanki "temple of the foundation of heaven and earth").


Return to: The Foundation

[1] The 7th, 14th, 19th, 21st and the 28th days of the lunar momth were kept even in the Accadian times, and were actually so named in Assyria. They were termed dies nefasti in Accadian, rendered ‘ days of completion (of labor) in Assyrian; the Assyrian Sabbttu or ‘Sabbath’ - being the further defined as meaning ‘ completion of work’ and ‘day of rest for the soul.’

Kidinnu, the Chaldaeans, and Babylonian Astronomy