Scorpio Season Workshop

Oct 23 - Nov 21
Scorpio Theme:
Death, Transformation, Healing & Empowerment.
How can I connect more deeply with my ancestors?

It’s Scorpio Season, a time for transformation. Ruled by fierce Mars and deep Pluto, Scorpio is the sign of intense transformation, fear, the gate to our subconscious and the unknown. Scorpio Season pushes us deeper - opening the doorway and the portal between the seen and unseen worlds. The initiation of descent into the Underworld. Gifting us access not only to our own potential for growth and healing - but also healing and honoring our ancestors. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the season of water as ice, when we experience the first frost; and mushrooms surface (taking that which was decaying and creating nurishment). Our awareness turns to the hidden realms, symbolism and mystery. When the Sun is in Scorpio, our shadows are illuminated. All of who we are are exposed, even though we push down into the darker corners of our self. When the Sun is in Scorpio, it is advantageous to cultivate a deeper understanding fo the light and shadow that makes up our complete self.


SCORPIO SEASON & 8th House Workshop

Scorpio & the 8th House. Connect with your Spirit Guide and Deceased Loved Ones. 
You will be guided through a chakra meditation for protection and aligning your spiritual body with your physical body; prior to journeying to meet your deceased loved ones and Spirit Guide. The more you journey and work this path, the easier and immediate it will become.

What are the benefits? With this guide, you are better informed on the month ahead. Becoming more empowered and prepared for the lessons for the Season. Living more in rhythm and in flow.

This workshop assists you in setting and living your intentions for the Scorpio Season, and Scorpio New Moon. Inside you’ll find tools to guide you in planing your strategies, so you can make the best of what the Universe has to offer you this month. Once you’ve have a picture of the challenges and openings to come, you can navigate each moment, and live more in rhythm with the Universal energies that await you. As above, so below.

  • Horoscopes for each zodiac sign

  • Ritual & Guided Meditation on how to connect with your deceased loved ones.

  • New Moon in Scorpio Write-up

  • Mercury Retrograde Write-Up

  • Taurus Full Moon / Blue Moon Write-Up

  • Water Ritual for the Scorpio New Moon

  • Scorpio Season Observation & Teachings

  • Altar suggestions for the Scorpio New Moon & Ancestor Altars.

  • Tarot Major Arcana Affirmations - Pull a card and meditate on the meaning.

  • Affirmations and overview for all 12 zodiac signs.