Virgo Season Workshop

August 23rd - September 22

Theme: Mercury, Self-Improvement, Health, Boundaries, Reclaiming your Energy, Being of Service, Manifesting Heaven on Earth


Virgo Season Workshop, Guidebook, Meditation & Rituals

Welcome to Virgo season. We’ve moved past the Eclipse. Past Mercury Retrograde. Past Leo season - and now we’ve entered the Season of Virgo. The last few months have been life-changing for many. Unstable and unpredictable as we’ve been reorganizing both our inner and outer landscapes. Learning to navigate grief, loss, change, and newness. We leverage the energy of Virgo season and take this time to try to organize and make sense of it all. We look at the truth of what is and sift through what works and what doesn’t. Virgo is associated with work, service, health, purification, organization, detail-oriented, and analytical thinking. These are the qualities we look to embody during this season.  

Virgo lessons of patience, contemplation, and observation draw us forward to be more present. Our focus shifts to the small details and building blocks that make up our whole life and future. Virgo Season asks that we who we work with, what labor, service, and being of service means for us. Virgo asks us to purify and cleanse any toxic habits and re-evaluate our day-to-day routines.

In the Northern Hemisphere, we are entering autumn. Which represents the natural cycle of slowing down and gathering our resources. Our focus is on preservation and nourishment, as we prepare ourselves to go inward for spiritual introspection. This is our moment to sit in the stillness and let it speak to us, let it guide us to the intentions and lessons that must birth the new life we are seeking. There is a beautiful transformation that takes place in autumn, as the leaves flower - showing us the transformational ritual of release. Just as autumn teaches us how to re-priorities our energies and let go, Virgo pushes us to see what’s not working and course correct, often finding more efficient and compassionate ways of doing things, in the process.

Virgo New Moon & Pisces Full Moon Polarities

During Virgo season, we will be exploring the polarity between Virgo and Pisces. The polarity of the Virgo/Pisces is considered one of the most challenging and karmic axes in astrology. This polarity is about balancing order (Virgo) and chaos (Pisces). From disorganization to organization, we seek stability within the rise and fall of the emotional waves.

What are the benefits?

With this guide, you are better informed on how to integrate the energies of this season. Becoming more empowered and prepared for the lessons for the season. Living more in rhythm and inflow. 

This workshop helps you set and live your intentions for the Virgo season, Virgo New Moon and Pisces Full Moon. Inside you’ll find tools to guide you in planning your strategies, so you can make the best of what the Universe has to offer you this month. Once you have a picture of the challenges and openings to come, you can navigate each moment, and live more in rhythm with the Universal energies that await you. As above, so below.

Virgo reminds us to slow down, go inwards, and do the work - a time to process our emotions. Virgo season asks you to reflect on these questions:

  • How can I shed any identities that no longer resonate with my spirit?

  • How and where can I be of service?

  • How can I organize and make better sense of my life?

  • How can I create more healthy routines and boundaries for myself?

  • How can I incorporate a more healthy diet?

 The Virgo Season workshop & guidebook are for all Zodiac signs (everyone) - and are a reference for the entire month. Along with the handbook, Nomad members are given tools to develop their intuition - this month we will be exploring Lucid Dreaming; and how to channel the energy of Mercury, open up doors for processing and analyzing information that we’ve collected and learned over these past few months.

or, gain access with a Day Pass.


Observations, Lessons and Rituals for Virgo Season, Virgo New Moon, Pisces Full Moon
+ Ritual & Guided Meditation for Lucid Dreaming

During Virgo Season we will be exploring the polarity between Virgo and Pisces. The polarity of the Virgo/Pisces is considered one of the most challenging and karmic axes in astrology. This polarity is about balancing order (Virgo) and chaos (Pisces). From disorganization to organization, we are seeking some kind of stability within the rise and fall of the emotional waves.

This workshop includes:

  • Exclusive Slack Channel for Nomad members!

  • A guidebook, observation and foundation to align yourself with the energies and learnings of Mercury & Virgo Season

  • Altar & ritual suggestion for Virgo New Moon & Pisces Full Moon

  • Guided Meditation: Lucid Dreaming for the Pisces Full Moon

  • Balance Wheel, to reflect and take inventory of your emotional, spiritual and mental well-being.

  • Horoscopes and intentions for each zodiac sign.

  • Supportive foundations inside the Shala to further understand planetary energies, planetary days of the week, and Lunas’ Journey through the 12 houses.

  • Access to a full year of magick, rituals and spiritual introspection!


Please join as a Nomad to access all the videos and lessons that compliment Virgo Season.